Kids Hope

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Looking to connect with a Kids Hope Mentor?  Click here.

Trinity Community Church is in partnership with Brown Deer Elementary School.  We have been partners for the last 5 years with the focus of One Church, One School, One Child, One Hour and has proven to be nothing less than the amazing work of God.

With our first year the teachers were unsure of our faithfulness and questioned if we could really make a difference.  They were hesitant to give us even one hour a week.  We have proven ourselves and we now have 36 mentors going in every week.  Surprisingly enough the students are not the only ones happy to see us. The staff is amazed at all we have accomplished and we find ourselves being called upon by the school to assist them with many needs on a regular basis.

Here are just a few of their comments:

‘Thank you for making a difference in our school’  ‘I truly feel confident this program is beneficial’

‘We have seen a positive change both socially and academically’    ‘Thank you for caring’

‘Your mission to become a vessel of God is apparent.  Thank you for your time, dedication, and support to our students.’

What do the kids have to say?

In the words of a child when asked if his mentor will return, ‘you bet cuz he really loves me!’  And the response of a 6yr old after his hour was done, ‘this was the best time of my life!’ And a mentor who is greeted weekly with a smile and the words, ‘you really came back’.

So how can you help?

Teach them, make time for them because they matter.  Be a friend to one child for one hour at one school partnered with one church.  You may be surprised to see how God’s work can change you too!

To learn more about Kids Hope USA check out:

Interested in being a mentor? Contact Kathy Nelson: