More or Less

We have all heard it said that less is more.  It sounds counter intuitive, but if we want to have less debt, then we will work to save more money.  If you want to spend more time with our family, we will likely plan less other activities.  If you want to lose some weight then we will try to increase the healthy foods and activities in our life.

We hear this same message about our faith in the gospel of John.  John the Baptist’s disciples are concerned that Jesus is getting a lot of attention at the cost of John.  But John says to them, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30, NRSV)  As Christians this prayer needs to be one that we lift up regularly.  As we seek to discern and hear from God, we need to consider how we may decrease distractions in our life, so that we might better hear and follow God.

During our time of prayer let’s pray like John that God may increase, that we may decrease.  We pray God decrease our fear.  Too often we don’t trust you, and instead live in fear of tomorrow, of the unknown, and of that which is not comfortable.  May our selfishness decrease that our lives can instead be focused on what is best for Your ministry and kingdom, not our own ministries, or personal lives.  May our pride decrease so that we may be able to listen to constructive criticism or help when we are off track.  May we have the humility to admit our own weakness, and learn from our own shortcomings and mistakes.  God help us to decrease the distraction in our lives that hinder our ability to hear and follow you.

May God increase our ability to hear his still small voice, that we may know where He is leading us.   May God increase our boldness that once we hear from Him we may have the courage to follow Him wherever it is He leads.  May God increase our creativity that we may think outside the box about ways that we can grow in our faith and help other to grow and be served.   God, grow our wisdom that we better discern and understand Your leading in our families, our churches, and our jobs.  God may you increase our humility, understanding our own imperfections and shortcomings, and speaking to others with grace and love as Jesus modeled.  God may our relationships with other grow, that we may encourage each other in our faith as we together seek you.  Most importantly God, may our relationship with you increase in depth and breadth each day.  God may we decrease that you may increase.  Amen.